Teacher name: Ms. Woolf Student Name ___________________ |
CATEGORY | Excellent | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement |
Use of Time | Used time well during each class period (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress in journal) with no adult reminders. | Used time well during most class periods (as shown by observation by teacher, and documentation of progress in journal) with no adult reminders. | Used time well (as shown by observation by teacher and documentation of progress in journal), but required adult reminders on one or more occasions to do so. | Used time poorly (as shown by observation by teacher and/or documentation of progress in journal) in spite of several adult reminders to do so. |
Cooperation | Worked cooperatively with partner all the time with no need for adult intervention. | Worked cooperatively with partner most of time but had a few problems that the team resolved themselves. | Worked cooperatively with partner most of the time, but had one problem that required adult intervention. | Worked cooperatively with partners some of the time, but had several problems that required adult intervention. |
Clarity and Neatness | Storyboard is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn that another student could create the presentation if necessary. | Storyboard is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions. | Storyboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions. | Storyboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions. |
Required Elements | Storyboard included all required elements as well as a few additional elements. | Storyboard included all required elements and one additional element. | Storyboard included all required elements. | One or more required elements was missing from the storyboard. |
Spelling & Grammar | No spelling or grammatical mistakes on a storyboard with lots of text. | No spelling or grammatical mistakes on a storyboard with little text. | One spelling or grammatical error on the storyboard. | Several spelling and/or grammatical errors on the storyboard. |
Date Created: 2001-07-23 |
Copyright 2001, High Plains Regional Technology in Education Consortium |